Is soda really bad for your gums after LANAP?

LANAP soda and alcohol

LANAP Testimonial

Traditionally, treating gum disease meant facing scalpels, stitches, and a throbbing jawline. But now, there's LANAP, a revolutionary laser technology that delivers a painless revolution in gum care.

No more wincing at the dentist's chair: LANAP's gentle laser zaps away harmful bacteria, leaving your gums calm and comfortable. Gone are the days of post-operative medication and sluggish recovery. With LANAP, you can bounce back quickly and conquer your day.

But LANAP is more than just pain relief. It's gum revival! Its laser power doesn't just remove the bad guys; it also kick-starts your body's natural tissue regeneration. This means stronger support for your teeth, no more worries about the "loose tooth" blues, and a powerful bite ready to tackle any delicious challenge.

And the benefits don't stop there. A healthy gum barrier, built by LANAP, is your new fortress against future infections and sensitivities. Your smile will be glowing with health and resilience for years to come.

So, why settle for the old, painful ways? Choose LANAP and step into a future of confident smiles and effortless gum care

Can I drink soda or Coke after LANAP?

You take a sip of soda – and someone remarks, “That’s going to ruin your teeth!”

Is that true for your gums? Is sweet soda the enemy of healthy gums? The answer, unfortunately, is that one glass might not hurt your gums, but drinking soda regularly can do some real damage and cause periodontitis and gingivitis.

Sodas are one of America’s favorite drinks. The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry says about half of us drink soda regularly, averaging 2.6 glasses each day.

That’s a lot of soda considering the drinks are acidic, full of sugar, and have little or no nutritional value. It may surprise you to learn that it’s the acidity of cola, not the sugar, which poses the biggest threat to Gums. In addition, over time, repeated exposure to soda wears down tooth enamel, leaving teeth stained and less able to prevent cavities.

As enamel wears away, teeth can become discolored, have a rough texture, and become highly sensitive to hot or cold. Your teeth may start to tingle, and brushing or flossing can cause pain. If not checked by dental care, teeth may start to erode, becoming thinner and more likely to crack. It’s a pretty high price to pay for a glass of soda.

Can I drink coffee, wine, and fruit juices after LANAP?

No. You have to wait two weeks. Of course, sodas are not the only culprits in tooth erosion and creating an acidic environment that hurts your gum tissue. Coffee, wine, and some fruit juices are also acidic, though these drinks tend to have less acidity than a typical soda.

So what can you do to protect your gums and teeth?

1. Cut back – way back – on acidic drinks.

2. Add more water to your daily diet in place of sodas.

3. Use a straw when you drink.

4. Don’t confuse diet soda with a healthy alternative. Diet drinks are just as acidic as regular sodas.

5. Rinse your mouth with water after drinking soda. The rinse may remove some acid from your teeth, although abstaining from the soda would do more good.

6. Hold off on brushing your teeth after drinking soda. Brushing too hard can weaken enamel that is already covered in acid.

7. Pay attention to your teeth, how they look and feel. Let the doctor know if you see signs of discoloration or erosion, or feel tingling. Make an appointment at our Fort Lauderdale, Florida office if you feel tooth or gum pain when eating or drinking.

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